Wednesday, January 20, 2010

year end report...

I'm avoiding writing my annual report.

Not because I don't have anything to say. As a matter of fact, I have plenty to say. It's just that it's been such an up and down year that I'm not sure I trust anything that comes out of my mouth (or my fingertips) regarding the year as a whole. See, I've been the interim worship pastor at my church for almost the last two years. I work with a senior pastor who I trust completely, and who allows the staff to function as a complete team. It hasn't always been this way. I've worked for other types of people, of course. It's just that this team and the relationships within it are special. Individually, we're probably not all that amazing, but the funny thing is that as a group we trancend our individuality and become more than just the sum of our parts. It's gotta be a God thing. We are a group that trusts each other completely, and where one is weak, another is there to help with their strengths. I'm going to miss this when I move on. My prayer is that I can find a staff that is as complete, and as loving. Not perfect, but grace-filled. In that, there is harmony and peace, even in conflict. Ok. Enough about that. I've got a report to write. Perhaps I should focus on the relationships built this year, instead of all the numbers. Then I'm off to finish writing a new song that's coming along nicely. After that, it's prep time for Infusion tonight, and rehearsal. Busy day. Still, I can't do any of it until that report is written, so I guess I should stop talking to you...

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