Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I sometimes stop to give thanks for some of the people God has put in my life. Today, I was praying for an old friend, who was my 1st mentor in ministry. I'm not sure if he realizes what an impact he made in my life, but I rank him in the top 3 people who helped form my character. Even though I was an adult when we met, his guidance helped me become a man. Some of the things David taught me -

Wait on God. See, David was a Jew who came to know Christ, and was a New Yorker. He had a typical New York Jewish accent. I can still see him, sitting at his desk, saying, "Eric, (although he knew me by my stage name, Christian - it's a long story), God values the process. Wait on Him". I'd probably hear this at least 4 times a week. At least. I tend to be a bit headstrong, and an idea person. We creative thinkers usually are. He was the man that God put into my life to help mentor me in this area, above all. Wait on God. God values the process. In other words, Eric, stop rushing it. Let God do it. Not you. He wants to do it for you, and wants you to go through all the steps according to His plan. Let Him lead.

Compassion. David oozed compassion from his pores. Nothing was beneath him. He taught me how to minister in a homeless shelter without being condecending. Or in a wealthy person's home. It didn't matter to him, because they all mattered to God. He would look at me (cue NY Jewish accent here) and say, "Eric, God loves them where they are at. Shouldn't you?" He was especially skilled in hospitals. I remember him leading someone to the Lord who had come in to see her sister. His compassion for her circumstances and situation made what he had to say very real to this woman. She had been toying with the idea of God, and he made it plain to her. He could do this to a grocery clerk, or to a businessman. It didn't matter. His ability to get to the heart of the person through compassion was a true gift from God. I can only pray I have half as much compassion for God's people.

Love the church where it's at, not where you want it to be. This was a tough one for me. Our church was a small one, and we had quite a few elderly people in it. I was a 23 year old kid, still involved in a theater career, just venturing into ministry, and didn't relate to some of them right away. I knew that God had led Jen and I to this church, but thought it was my job to change it. Boy, was I wrong. He taught me how to love them for who they were, not who I wanted them to be. That church changed and grew in the 3 years we were there, but not because of me. That was God's job. My job was to be obedient and love them where they were. David was very good at that. Even when the church wasn't being obedient, he still loved them.

I learned from him that most of what we fight about as a church doesn't really matter, anyway. God doesn't care what kind of song we sing, as long as we have thankful hearts while singing it (See Colossians 3:15-17). God could care less about what color the carpet is, or whether we use pews or chairs. Are we obedient, though? Are we offering up our lives as a living sacrifice to God? That's the important thing.

Finally, I learned how to be a good husband. David and Alice have an amazing relationship, and one that people wanted to model. He put her needs first, always, and made sure that she felt loved. Jen and I were in a marriage group with them as leaders, while we were engaged to be married, and learned how to communicate. Most couples don't learn that for a while. Jen and I got a head start because of them. What a joy!

I don't know why I felt the need to share this with you all, but I felt that it was important, somehow. A bit of a postscript - David now has a ministry with special needs adults, and remains faithful to God. Jen and I see them when we get back to NY, and never pass up an opportunity to pray with them. We miss them dearly, but know that when we all get to heaven, they'll be right down the street. :-)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's been awhile...

Well, hello! Sorry that I haven't posted since Easter, Faithful Followers. Honestly, I've been dealing with a lot, and not quite sure what I wanted to share with you. So, now I have clarity in my mind about what I should share with you. And it is......

wait for it....

keep waiting....

okay, I got nothing. Really. I suppose I can talk about the band for a minute. For this summer, we have a number of dates lined up to play, but are looking for much more. We want to play anywhere we are able to, and are actively looking for new venues. If you know of anywhere that would let us play, please tell me. Our drummer, Lea, will be returning on May 11th, and we'll get into the studio right after that to lay down about 5 tracks. Then it's time to kick off the summer! We really want to make this summer memorable, so we'll be rehearsed up, and ready to rock.

New video is posted on youtube of our last concert, so check that out under the "stearnse1" channel. Here's a taste:
