Monday, June 14, 2010


Ok, so I've entered this contest. It's a singing contest, and I'm trying to win the Portland area competition. Please vote for me at

Keep voting! I really need your help! Local winner gets tickets to see John Mayer, and an autographed guitar. That's a date! :-)

Vote often, as they let you vote about 100 times a day. Thanks, everyone.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I sometimes stop to give thanks for some of the people God has put in my life. Today, I was praying for an old friend, who was my 1st mentor in ministry. I'm not sure if he realizes what an impact he made in my life, but I rank him in the top 3 people who helped form my character. Even though I was an adult when we met, his guidance helped me become a man. Some of the things David taught me -

Wait on God. See, David was a Jew who came to know Christ, and was a New Yorker. He had a typical New York Jewish accent. I can still see him, sitting at his desk, saying, "Eric, (although he knew me by my stage name, Christian - it's a long story), God values the process. Wait on Him". I'd probably hear this at least 4 times a week. At least. I tend to be a bit headstrong, and an idea person. We creative thinkers usually are. He was the man that God put into my life to help mentor me in this area, above all. Wait on God. God values the process. In other words, Eric, stop rushing it. Let God do it. Not you. He wants to do it for you, and wants you to go through all the steps according to His plan. Let Him lead.

Compassion. David oozed compassion from his pores. Nothing was beneath him. He taught me how to minister in a homeless shelter without being condecending. Or in a wealthy person's home. It didn't matter to him, because they all mattered to God. He would look at me (cue NY Jewish accent here) and say, "Eric, God loves them where they are at. Shouldn't you?" He was especially skilled in hospitals. I remember him leading someone to the Lord who had come in to see her sister. His compassion for her circumstances and situation made what he had to say very real to this woman. She had been toying with the idea of God, and he made it plain to her. He could do this to a grocery clerk, or to a businessman. It didn't matter. His ability to get to the heart of the person through compassion was a true gift from God. I can only pray I have half as much compassion for God's people.

Love the church where it's at, not where you want it to be. This was a tough one for me. Our church was a small one, and we had quite a few elderly people in it. I was a 23 year old kid, still involved in a theater career, just venturing into ministry, and didn't relate to some of them right away. I knew that God had led Jen and I to this church, but thought it was my job to change it. Boy, was I wrong. He taught me how to love them for who they were, not who I wanted them to be. That church changed and grew in the 3 years we were there, but not because of me. That was God's job. My job was to be obedient and love them where they were. David was very good at that. Even when the church wasn't being obedient, he still loved them.

I learned from him that most of what we fight about as a church doesn't really matter, anyway. God doesn't care what kind of song we sing, as long as we have thankful hearts while singing it (See Colossians 3:15-17). God could care less about what color the carpet is, or whether we use pews or chairs. Are we obedient, though? Are we offering up our lives as a living sacrifice to God? That's the important thing.

Finally, I learned how to be a good husband. David and Alice have an amazing relationship, and one that people wanted to model. He put her needs first, always, and made sure that she felt loved. Jen and I were in a marriage group with them as leaders, while we were engaged to be married, and learned how to communicate. Most couples don't learn that for a while. Jen and I got a head start because of them. What a joy!

I don't know why I felt the need to share this with you all, but I felt that it was important, somehow. A bit of a postscript - David now has a ministry with special needs adults, and remains faithful to God. Jen and I see them when we get back to NY, and never pass up an opportunity to pray with them. We miss them dearly, but know that when we all get to heaven, they'll be right down the street. :-)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's been awhile...

Well, hello! Sorry that I haven't posted since Easter, Faithful Followers. Honestly, I've been dealing with a lot, and not quite sure what I wanted to share with you. So, now I have clarity in my mind about what I should share with you. And it is......

wait for it....

keep waiting....

okay, I got nothing. Really. I suppose I can talk about the band for a minute. For this summer, we have a number of dates lined up to play, but are looking for much more. We want to play anywhere we are able to, and are actively looking for new venues. If you know of anywhere that would let us play, please tell me. Our drummer, Lea, will be returning on May 11th, and we'll get into the studio right after that to lay down about 5 tracks. Then it's time to kick off the summer! We really want to make this summer memorable, so we'll be rehearsed up, and ready to rock.

New video is posted on youtube of our last concert, so check that out under the "stearnse1" channel. Here's a taste:


Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Passion week is here! Wait. Already? It sure feels like this year is just flying by! Either that, or I'm getting old(er). Probably a bit of both, really. Oh well. My wife comments frequently about the amount of grey in my hair. I just smile, and comment on how great her (new) hair color looks. :-)

Easter is such an amazing time in the life of a Christ-follower. This is the time of year that helps everything else make sense. How can you understand Christmas without Easter? How can you know God without Easter? How can you fathom why the death of Christ was necessary without Easter? None of those things make sense, unless put into the big picture of God's redemptive plan. Jesus had to be born a lowly birth, be raised a sinless man, suffer a horrible death, and rise after 3 days in order to fulfill God's relational plan for us. Without His death and subsequent resurrection, we would have no way to God. We would be lost in our sin. The Bible tells us that "all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God". If that's the case, then God must have some sort of plan for our redemption. I mean, why create us, only to have us perish? His plan included Jesus, God's only son, that He would become the spotless lamb of sacrifice, that His blood would pay the price for our sin. Death had to happen, so victory could occur. What a joy we can know, because God cared enough to provide that way for us to have a relationship with Him! Without Easter, none of this happens. Praise God!

One of the things that can be frustrating for the Christian during this time, is the merchandising and secularism of society in regard to Easter. I would encourage you to pay it no mind. This isn't to say you should run out, get a bunny costume, and show up to your sunrise service this way. Hardly. Still, remember that the world doesn't know Jesus in the way that you do, and they can't be asked to have a mind for the things of God until they come to know Jesus as savior. So, asking them to do "church" things on Easter is like asking a civilian to field strip and clean an M-16. They wouldn't have a clue! Nor would they care to learn about it, as it isn't something they think they need in their daily lives. The world needs to become convinced of their need first. For a Christ-follower, this means living our lives in a way that sets us apart. Then, as our relationships blossom with non-Christians, they will see God in our lives, and want it, too. Expecting them to want to come to church and take communion might be a bit much for the first "date". Talking about how God prepared you for your job might be just right.

Gotta run to a staff meeting. Love you all! Be the church!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

some photos from the concert...

All these photos were taken by Danielle Martin, our photographer. Thanks, Dani! Video is coming soon!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Had a bit of a scare last week. Wait. I guess I should apologize for not having blogged for the last two weeks. With all the preparations for Easter, I haven't had much time for blogging. Then, last week, I had a possible cancer scare. See, my father has had melanoma about 7 or 8 times, so I always check my skin for changing moles. I found one that really started to scare me. It was changing shape around the edges, and changing color in the middle. I quickly made an appointment with my doctor, and she agreed to see me right away. After seeing it, she hustled me to a procedure room and took the mole off for a biopsy. A few stiches later, I was sent home to wait out the results.

Talk about trust! I mean, having no control whatsoever over the results is a truly humbling position. The only way to stay sane during a time like that is to trust God and His perfect will. As hard as it can be to wait for results, I know that I'm right where God wants me for today. There's real peace and joy in that, you know?

Anyway, the results came back negative, and I'm in the clear. Praise God! I know that God is good, all the time, and I'm thankful for His provision in this. For those of you who knew what was going on, thank you for your prayers and well-wishes. Your prayers mean so much to Jen and I. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Infusion tonight...

Tonight is another great installment of that wonderful time we call...Infusion!!!! I'm excited about worshipping with the other guys in the band, and leading others to the foot of the cross through song. We've got a half hour of worship planned, and then we'll be off to let Pastor John (PJ) teach about Godly relationships. I love working with the people that volunteer on Wednesdays. Their hearts are truly turned toward God, and they give of their time sacrificially. I'm so proud to serve alongside them in the trenches. *getting teary-eyed*...:-)

Ok, I'm better now. I'm off to finish planning things for tonight. If you're in the greater PDX area, and want to drop in, it's at 6:34 tonight! Drop me an email and I'll give you directions!


Sunday, March 7, 2010


The concert was a great success! I am so pleased to say that we raised almost $5000! With that money, Medical Teams International can purchase almost $200,000 worth of medicine! All of that goes right to Haiti, and the people there will be blessed. What a joy it was to partner with MTI and Deophobic. We look forward to more fundraising in the near future. MTI is currently serving in over 70 countries, so the need is real. Be praying!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Countdown to awesomeness....

The countdown has started...

58 hours until "The Most Awesome Concert The World Has Ever Seen"....


I'm so excited about this concert! We're planning on making it an exciting, loud, rockin' night of amazing music. My band has rehearsed sooooo much for this, and we have some great surprises with some of the songs we're doing. Our fans won't be disappointed! Plus, we're trying to raise money for a great cause. Medical Teams International has donated so much to this cause, and we are honored to help out in this way.

In other news...

Did I mention that I'm excited?

Sooooo....come join in the excitment on Friday. See above flyer for details. :-)

See you soon!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

To Clarify...

In my last post, I mentioned that Jen and I are starting to look out of state for a ministry opportunity. While that is true, we're also continuing to look here in the PDX area. God has a way of opening a door when we reach the end of all that we can do. It is His way of saying, "Surprise! Now you know it came from me!"

I'm not sure what the future holds. I know that for today, I'm prepping as if I'm going to be here for a while. We have this great concert coming up next Friday (see above, and I'm getting ready for that. Then, Easter is almost upon us. Lots to do, and not enough time to actually worry about what comes next. I mean, seriously, can worrying about it add another day to my life? Or actually make a job appear? God will be God, and He will put us exactly where He wants us. That's kind of liberating, you know?

Right now, I'm praying that we don't have to leave our home, our schools, and our family. If that's not God's will, though, then I'll be praying for my heart to be ready for a new community. I pray that if God wants us elsewhere, He will prepare us to love a new area just as much as we love this one, and that we will want nothing else but to serve Him in whatever way He sees fit to use us. "The Lord gives and takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Binary Solo...000000100000011001001001

Ok, so I'm back to square one. Well, back to square zero, really. Gotta start looking out of state to see where God has planned for my family and I to minister. There aren't really any opportunities in our area, and Jen and I really feel God's leading to continue in vocational worship leading. One of the ideas I have is to form Red Letter Project Foundation, a non-profit that sends out worship leaders to churches in need of training, seminars, concerts, and leadership. The foundation would also support the band, allowing the main band to minister globally. This will take years to get off the ground, and is something I'd like to work on while ministering to a church body. Of course, it takes money to get it started, and that will take God's blessing. Be praying! Also, be praying for where God directs us to start looking, nationally. We believe He is calling us to a church that is looking for someone with strong leadership skills to help provide vision and direction in a loving way. The question is - where? There are jobs in all 4 corners of this country, and places in-between, but which is right for us? Jen and I will be spending much time in prayer over this. The hard part will be leaving the band and the people of our current church behind. I'm still open to staying here, of course. That would be my first choice, but sometimes God doesn't ask, He directs. The trick is to be obedient. I guess it's time for me to do what I'm always asking my kids to do. Obey. And, maybe, rock out with a great binary solo...(back to square)000000100000011001001001....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

decisions, decisions...

Trying to come up with a set list for this concert is very difficult. It's not that we don't have enough music. It's that we have too much! Trying to sort through it all to get to the good stuff, the essential songs, is a tough task. Plus, we're adding a few new songs that we want to cover for this show. That makes it chock full of musical goodness! I'm so excited, though. We've already raised over $3500 for Medical Teams International's efforts in Haiti, and the concert hasn't even started yet! We're planning on covering a blues number, Neil Young's "Rockin in the Free World", and maybe one more song. Add to that our original stuff, and we're ready to rock! The band is so excited to bring it for such a good cause. Ok, gotta run. Details to work out, posters to put up, etc...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In (At) Jail....

Wow. Last Friday night, Red Letter Project had the opportunity to play at a local jail. This is something we try to do each month, schedule permitting, as it's a great time to not only share the gospel with people who are hurting, but also try out new music. The truth is, when we have their attention during the concert, we are really trying to reach much deeper than just the superficial with these people. We are their guests, and they allow us to share more than just new music. Our lives touch. The stories we hear about broken lives, broken relationships, these things humble us. We realize how close we all are to being this broken. One choice is all it takes to be in their shoes. For some of them, they are really hearing the gospel for the first time. They may have heard of it, but it never sank in until they were facing a long period of incarceration. Jesus offers hope. As a band, we always want to do this sort of gig, so that we can stay in touch with those that so obviously need Jesus. What a joy to be able to reach this demographic of our society. I am humbled at how God has used us here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Putting Things In Order

So, now the hard part is here. We're trying to organize this benefit concert, and I'm looking forward to the end result. There's a lot of hard work that has to come before, however. My first senior pastor, David Poyta, used to tell me almost everyday that there is value in the process. If I close my eyes, I can still see him, sitting at his desk, speaking to me in that NY accent he had. "Eric", he'd say, "there's value in the process. Remember that God values the process". How many times has that lesson been learned, over and over it seems? I feel like God has to continually remind me that because He values the process, I need to do so, also.

So, off I go to continue planning for this show. How exciting it is to pull together two bands, three ministries, a bunch of people, and get a great opportunity to serve God? I can't wait. Back to work. Love you all. Remember to be the church today!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Haiti Benefit Concert Update

Ok, so it's official. Red Letter Project is going to be hosting a benefit concert for Medical Teams International and their efforts in the Haiti recovery. The concert will be on March 5th, around 6:30, at the St. Helens High School auditorium. We're so excited to have a rep from MTI come and share with us during the concert, and we'll be inviting another band to come join us in this effort. I'll keep you posted here, and on our facebook group, Fans of Red Letter Project. Email me with questions. We're going to need a lot of help to pull this one off, but we can do it!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday (my Monday)

Good morning! I have a feeling it is going to be a great rest-of-the-day. This morning, Pastor John and I were going over last Sunday's services, and looking ahead to this week. There are so many special things happening this Sunday, that trying to get everything in will be a bit of a challenge. Last week's services, though, were amazing. The Spirit of the Lord was felt by the body, and we feel that God worked in a mighty way to free people from guilt! Something special happens when you get a multi-generational group of believers together, united by their love for Jesus, and then provide an opportunity for them to worship in one voice. Even though that is what we strive for each week, it doesn't always happen. Last week, though, it did. Praise God!

Some prayer points for today - please continue to pray for Mary, as she comes home next week, and pray for my family as we seek to discern God's will in the job hunt. Also pray for our church as we seek to find the man that God will bring to lead in worship after I'm gone. Above all, though, never stop praying, live redeemed, and be the church!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Benefit Concert?

Red Letter Project is considering putting a benefit concert on for a missionary group helping Haiti in their recovery. We'd like to partner with a couple of other bands and put the concert on in about two or three weeks. This is going to mean a lot of work, and we're going to need a lot of help, but I believe that we're up to the task. I read yesterday that over 150,000 bodies have been buried in mass graves, and that many, many more are expected. It goes without saying that help is needed in all forms, but most importantly, the name of Jesus needs to be proclaimed. Anyone up to the task? Wanna help?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Ok, so I'm sitting here in the DMV, looking at the largest crowd I've ever seen at one of these. The counter has been stuck at 92 for the last 10 minutes; I'm number 127. Probably no hope of me being on time to my 11am appointment. These places facinate me, though. What an amazing microcosm of God's creative ability. There must be 10 countries and 15 races represented here. Looking around, hearing all the different languages, seeing these cultures in one place gives you a different perspective on the DMV.

Instead of hating it here, perhaps we should celebrate it as a great, uniting force for change...(please realize that my tongue is planted firmly in cheek right now).

Oh, they're up to number 97 now! I might make it out alive...

Friday, January 22, 2010


I love Fridays. Not because it signals the end of the work week (which isn't really the truth for me; I'm not really sure when one week ends and another begins), but because I have the day off to go have lunch with my daughters. They're my little leading ladies, and I feel like I don't get to see them as much as I'd like to during the week. It's hard, since I drive an hour to get to my church everyday, and I get home late on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They're usually asleep by the time I come home then. That makes Fridays the day I can catch up with them, and spend some QT together. :-) Gracie has lunch at 11, and Bex has lunch at noon. Their schools are about 2 blocks from each other, so I can go get a couple of happy meals and scoot in to see the two of them.

I also have to go to DMV today, and then clean my garage. I bought a bowflex, and have to make room for it. As much as I'd like to sit in my recliner and read a good book, there's work to be done. *sigh* Off to it! Hope you all have a blessed day! Remember to be the church!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Well, the job hunt is coming along...slowly. This is the hard part, discerning God's will as to where I should be applying. I mean, the questions are many. Does God want me to stay in-state? Or should I be looking out-of-state? Should I apply at a smaller church, or a larger one? Am I willing to move, even if my family can't come for a while? What are my key doctrinal sticking points? Are there things I'm willing to just live with (i.e., grey areas that I might have personal conviction on, but are not salvation issues)?

These questions could keep me up at night, if it weren't for the peace that God has given me about the whole thing. I believe that the right job will present itself, and that God will be glorified in the process. Even though my wife needs stability, we are finding that in God, and not in a job or in man. It's pretty cool how God has given this peace to us when the world tells us we should be worried. Just trust. The Bible tells us that "we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose". I can dig that.

I know it's totally unrelated, but I thought I'd post a video of my band for you guys to see who we are. Please note that I had bronchitis for this concert and was at about 50% vocal strength. If that. Still, it's a good example of the fun we have together. I'm honored to play with these guys.


Well, it's Thursday. I've got a lot on my plate. Chapel with the kids from the school at noonish, worship band tonight, and I just found out that a church in Ranier is requesting some help from us to send musicians once or twice a month. What a blessing we could be to help a start-up church! I'll know more later today, hopefully, but my little brain is already working on how to get a great team of people up there twice a month, and not leave us short-staffed here.

Most people don't realize how much work goes into planning a worship service each week. Between Pastor John and I, there's about 60 hours of work represented on Sundays. I'm so thankful that I get to spend time rehearsing, arranging, and planning both by myself and with some truly gifted artists. Today I'll spend about 5 hours working on music before the band shows up to work it with me. For me, though, it's not a chore at all. I so enjoy what God has called me to. Sitting at the piano or keyboard, in the dark, (I learned to play in the dark as a kid, so I wouldn't have to look at the keys, now I enjoy it) working on music that will bring glory to Jesus Christ. I can't imagine doing anything else right now. I'm thankful for this time.

Now, off to work. Lots to do, and thankfully, lots of time, Lord willing. Have a blessed day, faithful readers! Be the church!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fully Awake

So, why "Fully Awake" for a title? I came to this because I just had a birthday, upon which I realized that I finally had my eyes open all the way for the first time. No, I'm not Asian. (although I do get asked that quite a bit!) I mean that, for the first time in my 32 years of living, I'm finally trying to see everything that God has for me, and trying hard not to get in the way! I'm really praying for ego to be gone, and God's will to be done in my life. I'm praying that I can be awakened to all that my family has to offer, and to everything that I can bless them with. (not talking about material stuff, mostly just time) And I'm praying that I can be awakened daily to the beauty of God's Word. I guess "Fully Awake" is more of a prayer than a realized actuality, but I think it's appropriate.

year end report...

I'm avoiding writing my annual report.

Not because I don't have anything to say. As a matter of fact, I have plenty to say. It's just that it's been such an up and down year that I'm not sure I trust anything that comes out of my mouth (or my fingertips) regarding the year as a whole. See, I've been the interim worship pastor at my church for almost the last two years. I work with a senior pastor who I trust completely, and who allows the staff to function as a complete team. It hasn't always been this way. I've worked for other types of people, of course. It's just that this team and the relationships within it are special. Individually, we're probably not all that amazing, but the funny thing is that as a group we trancend our individuality and become more than just the sum of our parts. It's gotta be a God thing. We are a group that trusts each other completely, and where one is weak, another is there to help with their strengths. I'm going to miss this when I move on. My prayer is that I can find a staff that is as complete, and as loving. Not perfect, but grace-filled. In that, there is harmony and peace, even in conflict. Ok. Enough about that. I've got a report to write. Perhaps I should focus on the relationships built this year, instead of all the numbers. Then I'm off to finish writing a new song that's coming along nicely. After that, it's prep time for Infusion tonight, and rehearsal. Busy day. Still, I can't do any of it until that report is written, so I guess I should stop talking to you...


I'm sitting here, wondering what's next. Just got some news that the place my band wanted to take some band photos at is being condemned. Anyone heard of the Gasco building underneath the St. John's bridge? For those of you familiar with Portland, it's that really cool looking brick building that's all boarded up. Oh well. Anyone have any thoughts about another location? Anyone...? Ha! Since no one is reading this yet, I guess that means I'm talking to myself. I'm used to that. We creative types tend to talk to ourselves a lot.

More later today...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A First Timer

Ok, so this is my first time at this. I've always wanted to blog, but somehow never found the time. I guess a little history is in order first. My name's Eric. I'm not really sure how to categorize myself. I mean, I work as a worship pastor, but first I'm a husband and a father. The idea behind writing this, I guess, is to share what goes on in my life in those roles. Check back often for pics, videos, and updates. Talk to you soon!